The optional Homework Assignments box enables questions to be set that participants may answer while still in their current physical location. Are you looking for Capsim Assignment Box? Worry no more! We got you covered!





This section contains a number of assignments that are meant to be used in conjunction with the simulation. Instructors may also design their own, customized Question Banks, which can then be utilized in any Industry they want to develop in the software. Members of the group answer questions by completing the Homework part in their virtual environment.

Assignment Scheduling Instructors have the option of scheduling several assignments for each round. Once an assignment has been set, teachers have the option of postponing the assignment or eliminating it entirely from the syllabus.

It is possible that teachers will input round dates and times using the Manage Course | Schedule Rounds form, and those dates and hours will be carried over into the Homework schedule. Instructors have the option of inserting dates if no dates have been given by the students. Instructors may also change the deadlines on this form, which allows them to overrule the round dates. Grade When instructors want to evaluate replies, they may click on the Grade link. A list of all of the assignments will be shown.

By selecting any assignment, you will be sent to a list of the participants, who are arranged by firm. As long as teachers do nothing, the default % provided on the schedule form will be granted to each participant who answers (although this percentage will not be shown until instructors tick the Reveal option – either individually or as a group – and then choose Save). Instructors may evaluate and grade participants by clicking on their names.

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The answer provided by the participant will be shown, or if the answer was included in a document that was submitted, teachers will have the chance to download and study the document. The percentages between 0 and 150 are shown in the Select Grade dropdown menu (above 100 would be extra credit). For example, if the assignment has a Point Value of 100 and the instructors choose 80 percent, the resultant grade of 80 points would be recorded for that participant; selecting 150 percent would result in a grade of 150 points being recorded for that participant. The grading procedure is completed when the Save button is clicked. Reports Responses and grades may be found by clicking on the Reports button.

Reports may be prepared using one of four approaches:

A summary of answers and points gained; a listing of all responses; and (Use this method to print responses.)

Summary of questions and participants with individual details Summary of questions and participants with entire detail (That is, all questions for all participants.)


Individual contributions to group projects may be identified via the use of optional Peer Evaluations. The Peer Evaluations are a non-confrontational approach for participants to assist teammates in identifying their own and each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Instructors may also utilize this tool to conduct surveys with their students.


The Questions link enables teachers to generate and evaluate questions that they have already created. To add a question, use the Add Question button from the toolbar. As soon as the new page loads, write or paste your question into the text box provided. To submit a question, click the Add Question button. Any existing question may be modified by selecting it and clicking on it. Instructors may evaluate the Eval questions by selecting Create and then scrolling down the page to the bottom of the screen.

It is not necessary for teachers to generate their own Peer Evaluations since Create Capsim provides three preset ones. To build a custom assessment, start by entering a name and then selecting ten questions from the drop-down menu. After that, press the Create button. In addition to being added to the normal evaluations and any other custom evaluations, the new assessment is only available to the teacher who produced it. It is not available to other instructors. Schedule By selecting the term Schedule next to any round, a form is opened.

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The three basic evaluations, as well as any custom evaluations, are accessible via a drop-down menu. Select a method of assessment. This means that if instructors have provided round dates and timings using the Manage Course | Schedule Rounds form, those dates and times will be carried over into the Peer Eval schedule as well. Instructors have the option of inserting dates if no dates have been given by the students. Instructors may also change the deadlines on this form, which allows them to overrule the round dates. Reports The Student Peer Assessment Summary table for each evaluation displays the evaluation answer for each participant, as well as the total score for that particular evaluation.


A total of three conceptual categories are represented by the measurement criteria for the new Capsim Peer Evaluation tool:

Self-management and accountability are important. Attendance at meetings, preparation for meetings, and communication are all included.

Performance in the context of the work and its overall quality. This includes the quality of contributions, regard for other members, and the ability to be replaced.

The whole amount of work. This term refers to the readiness to do a “fair share” of the required labour. Further comments on their team members may be provided by each student if they feel further explanation is required, and an aggregate rating can be created by each student based on their assessment of the percentage contribution made by each member of the team is also available.


The parameters for the optional Success Measurements are controlled in this section. The findings may be seen in the Industry Scoring | Success Measures section of the website. Companies in the real world pursue a variety of objectives. Some businesses want more earnings, while others desire a larger piece of the market, and so on. A tool called Success Measurement measures how well each team does while attempting to achieve any combination of eight goals.

Profits Market Share Return on Sales Asset Turnover Return on Assets Return on Equity Stock Price Market Capitalization.

Instructors may delegate the authority to each firm to choose whatever measures it wants to be evaluated on. Companies may choose from a range of values ranging from 0 percent to 50%. As a result, businesses must choose at least two measures. Instructors have the option of entering weights for each business. Instructors have the option of selecting any percentage between 0 percent and 100 percent.

Instructional Methods The Instructional Methods link enables educators to: Select between the Average and Ending criteria, or (in the case of profit) a Cumulative criterion Participants will not be able to use that metric if they choose NA. Cumulative is recommended for profit measurements, ending for stock price measurements, and average for all other measurements. For measures set as Avg, teachers may choose whether to weight each round’s results equally or prorated to allow for more attention on later rounds.


When using the Schedule link, teachers may choose the round in which teams will be able to submit their measurements. Round 3 participants will be allowed to input measurement criteria up to the conclusion of the third round if the instructors select this option. Instructors have the ability to input and alter weights at any moment. Overriding dates cannot be provided for Success Measures; instead, deadlines are determined only by the end of the round.

The deadline for the schedule applies to both the Practice and Competition rounds. Assuming that the deadline is Round 1, and three Practice Rounds are completed, the Success Measures will become accessible again after the simulation is reset to Competition Round 1.

After the deadline has passed, this section enables teachers to check the weights that participants have picked, as well as to input or alter them if necessary. Availability The Results of the Industry | Reports | Report .The Availability link allows instructors to choose which round participants will be able to access the results of their choices, which are shown to them as Final Score Relative and/or Final Score Ranking results for the participants. If the reports are not made public until subsequent rounds, corporations will not be able to view their rivals’ picks, which might disclose strategy.

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