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Project 3: Presentation to Management
/in Uncategorized /by chiefyesRemember to be clear about what action you are recommending. Executive management will want to understand not only what you discovered, but also what you propose as a solution. The company’s leaders will want to know what decisions they need to make based on your findings. Give them the actionable information they need to decide. […]
Project 2: VM Scanner Evaluation Background Report
/in Uncategorized /by chiefyesHide Assignment Information Instructions This week, you will submit the second project, VM Scanner Background Report, based on the Nessus Report. As you are writing your report, you may want to refer back to the CEO’s video in Week 1 to make sure your analysis and recommendations align with the CEO’s priorities and concerns. You should […]
Project 1: Vulnerability Process and Assessment Memo
/in Uncategorized /by chiefyesYour boss wants you to draft a two- to three-page vulnerability process and assessment memorandum addressing the main points of a VM process for Mercury USA. You will cover the main elements of a vulnerability management process, tailored to Mercury USA’s business in the transportation sector, evaluate the OpenVAS scanning tool, and provide recommendations for […]