Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Writing is a form of academic writing that requires you to look at the text in terms of how it was meant to be read and understand the author’s intentions when they wrote it. This may sound easy, but there are many steps involved in doing this well. This blog post will discuss all of the necessary factors for completing an effective Rhetorical Analysis essay.

What is a Rhetorical Analysis Essay?

A Rhetorical Analysis Essay is an academic paper that illustrates how a text appeals to its audience and whether or not the author’s message has successfully been communicated. This type of essay asks you to analyze what the writer says in their work and how they say it. It also tasks you to understand if there are any hidden messages left out on purpose by the author, who may have had something else on their mind while writing than what was written down for others to see.

Purpose of Rhetorical Analysis Essay

This type of essay aims to explore the rhetorical strategies used by an author to succeed in delivering their message. Rhetorical analysis essays are a form of commentary on written texts, and they serve as a way for people to think critically about what has been said or done within it. It may be assigned during classes like English class because teachers want students to understand how authors use language techniques such as repetition, alliteration, imagery, and personification when writing academic papers.

Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Elements of a Good Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Thesis statement:

A well-written Rhetorical Analysis essay will start with a strong thesis statement that defines what the paper is about and why it’s important. It should also summarize the author’s thoughts on their subject and show how they will be discussed in more detail throughout the rest of the text.


The introduction to this type of written work typically includes an overview of what you plan to cover within your paper, as well as some background information or personal anecdotes, if applicable.

Body paragraph one:

This section should introduce specific examples from the source material that illustrate whatever point your thesis statement stated at the beginning of your essay. All body paragraphs are different depending on whether there is only one main idea being argued or multiple points are made by giving different perspectives on the same thing.

Body paragraph two:

This section should introduce specific examples from the source material which illustrate whatever point was stated in your thesis statement at the beginning of your essay, just like Body Paragraph One. All body paragraphs are different depending on whether there is only one main idea being argued or multiple points are made by giving different perspectives on the same thing.


The conclusion to this type of written work typically includes a summary and analysis of what you have discussed throughout each part of your paper. It may also provide an overall opinion about how successful the author’s message has been communicated with their audience based on what they’ve read so far.

Steps Required:

– Read text thoroughly through once before you start your thesis statement so you know exactly what it’s saying (a summary will suffice)

– Determine whether or not there was any hidden meaning in the text that you may have missed

– Create or find a thesis statement

– Understand why it’s important to support your claim with evidence from the text and other scholarly sources such as dictionaries, journals, and books, so there is proof of what you’re saying. That way, they know that some high school students didn’t just make it up but something backed by research.

– Identify rhetorical devices present in the text (discussed below) and explain how they work for achieving various purposes within an essay

– Argue your thesis statement by providing evidence from the text and other scholarly sources

– Compare to how others have used those rhetorical devices

– Close with a concluding sentence that sums up what you’re trying to say or final thoughts on the topic

Concepts Used in Rhetorical Analysis


Logos is a rhetorical device that uses reason and logic to support the argument. Logical reasons why one choice should be made over another can range from facts, observations, statistics, research findings, or expert opinions.


Pathos is a persuasive strategy used by authors who want their readers to feel what they’re saying so much that they will take action based on those feelings alone. This could come across as sadness when telling stories about people who have suffered through some tragedy like cancer or natural disasters because this makes you think about how terrible it would be if that happened to you or someone close to you.


Ethos is a persuasive strategy used by authors who want their readers to trust them and believe what they are saying solely because of the type of person. They might be writing about something like parenting. If this author has kids, then it may seem more believable that he knows how hard it can be with all the challenges facing parents today as opposed to somebody without any children at all trying to write an essay on how difficult being a parent is.

Other Elements To Look Out For in Rhetorical Analysis


An analogy is a rhetorical device that compares two things to help readers understand the implications of what’s being said. They could compare some type of machinery like an airplane engine, for example, with something else like a car because they both use different types of fuel and have various parts inside them.


A metaphor is a rhetorical device that pairs two things together to help readers understand the implications of what’s being said by comparing one thing with another. So, for example, when referring to someone who has had something bad happen to them or get sick from drinking too much alcohol, might say, “that person was drunk.” This can sometimes also come across as sarcasm which means somebody would know right away that this person isn’t serious about how terrible their friend felt after getting wasted on liquor over an extended period.


Hyperbole is a rhetorical device that uses exaggeration or overstatement to get the point across, such as “I’m so hungry I could eat an elephant!” It’s not possible for someone to do this, but using hyperbolic language might make you think about how long it has been since they last ate, and you would be more inclined to ask them if they want something from the fridge.


Understatements are often used when people don’t feel like their opinion will have much of an impact on what others say. So instead of saying it outright, they’ll use speaker-audience dialogue techniques like sarcasm or irony, which allows them to indirectly express those feelings without fully coming out and saying what needs to be heard.


Fallacies are tricks used by authors who want to deceive their audience into believing something that might not be true. They could do this by using a false analogy or a faulty causal relationship that would make it seem like there is some connection between one thing and another when in reality, they have nothing to do with each other.

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Help

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Help

Types of Rhetorical Strategies

Argumentative Paper:

Argumentative papers are written to persuade or change the way that readers think about a subject. They can do this by using different rhetorical devices such as analogies, similes, metaphors, hyperbole, and more to support their opinion on whatever they’re trying to convince others of.

Expository Paper:

Expository papers are used for informative purposes only, so authors will use many rhetoric techniques, including anaphora, when you repeat words at the beginning of sentences within paragraphs. This repetition helps your audience keep up with what you’re trying to say and allows them to remember it later on easily.

Persuasive Essay:

Persuasive essays are used for a wide range of different purposes. Still, they all have in common that authors will use rhetoric techniques like similes, metaphors, or analogies, allowing readers to visualize better the events being discussed more clearly. It would be much easier for someone who had never experienced anything similar before if an author were able to compare their situation or feelings about something else to understand how they felt at some point in time without having any other way of relating to that event.

For any help in writing your rhetorical analysis paper, contact us, and we will help. We have been in the industry for the longest time and have helped thousands of students. Do not hesitate to contact us today. We guarantee you nothing but quality work that will leave you satisfied.