How to Excel in Capsim Global

The key to saving a firm is to increase its profit margins. It is preferable to invest in Automation – Total Quality Management – Sales Budgets, which provide cumulative advantages with each subsequent cycle; thus, earlier investments are always preferable. There is no need to be concerned about obtaining debt or issuing stock; we are in the business of making investments. Are you looking how to excel in Capsim Global? Worry no more! We got you covered!

How to Excel in Capsim Global

How to Excel in Capsim Global


Locate the lease lucrative portions, make improvements to them, or eliminate them entirely. A major improvement is required if the margin contribution is less than 25 percent of the total revenue generated. Make an effort to increase automation. Make an effort to lower your price.

If we intend to abandon a market category, we should reduce our advertising and sales budgets to zero and refrain from repositioning the items in question. Selling off excess capacity and keeping just one to keep things in stock so that they may be sold at full price.


Due to a lack of funds Marketing spending may be reduced to $1.500 without having a significant effect. Automation for the Low End comes first, followed by Automation for the Traditional. If we are unable to finance full automation, we should automate one point at a time. Performance and size are not as significant in the high-end market as they are at the low-end. It’s OK if you do it later.

Human resources can cut recruiting costs to $2,000 and training time to 40 hours with no effect. When it comes to TQM, strive to spend no more than $1.500 on the effort that will have the most effect. When we have additional cash available in subsequent rounds, we should aim to raise the amount.


Assessed using a Balanced Scorecard We need to have enough cash on hand at the end of each year to cover our expenses. We need to raise money to invest in our company and our production facilities. It is expected that we will always be short of finances for the first four rounds; thus, we must collect funds in the following order:

  1. Entitlement to Long-Term Debts (max this first).

2.Issue Stocks are a kind of stock that is issued (max this 2nd)

Debts that are now outstanding are issued (if still need cash) After Round 5, we may have a substantial sum of money in our possession. We need to verify the Ratio (from Proforma –> Ratio) at this point in order to retain the greatest possible outcomes in the Balanced Scorecard. We need to do some experiments in order to get more points on the Balanced Scorecard.

In order to achieve the correct points, we must switch between Finance and Proforma Ratios. Days of Working Capital are measured in days. This is a very essential ratio that is sometimes misinterpreted. Essentially, this ratio indicates how many days your firm would be able to exist without making any sales. For further information on this ratio, please see the Proforma Ratios Statement.

You want this ratio to be between 60 and 80 days for every cycle. This provides you with a safety net in the event that your sales predictions are wrong. Closer to 80 is preferable, but not over 80, since you will begin to lose points on the Balanced Scorecard if you do. In order to increase the number of days of working capital:

  • Issuance of Long-Term Debt (max this first)
  • Issue Stock Neutral
  • Current debt has no effect on the number of days of working capital.

To reduce the number of days that working capital is required: – retire stock (max this first) – Pay dividends to shareholders Leverage.

Leverage is simply the ratio of how much money your business is borrowing relative to how much money your firm has in the form of equity in its shares. For example, if your leverage ratio is 2.0x, it signifies that half of your company’s assets are financed by debt.

Go to the Proforma Ratios Statement if you want to see how this debt/equity ratio was calculated. Check to see that your leverage ratio is between 2.0 and 3.0 percent. As profits rise in successive rounds, you may be required to issue dividends or loans in order to sustain your leverage.

To increase leverage, the following steps should be taken: – retire stock (max this first) – Declare a dividend — Obtain long-term loan financing (only if more funding needs to be raised). To Reduce Leverage (which is not generally necessary): – Do not take on any new debt at this time. – Distribute stock — Get rid of long-term debts (last resort)

Profitability is taken into consideration. For the first four rounds, the plan to achieve the largest profit resembles the Balanced Scorecard Plan in almost every way. However, throughout the second part of the game, you will prioritize debt repayment above other priorities in order to save money on interest payments. Raise funds in the following order of priority (primarily in the first four rounds):

  1. Make stock available.
  2. Issue existing debt obligations
  3. Obtain long-term financing

Excess funds should be used in the following order of priority (mainly the last four rounds):

  1. Get rid of long-term debt.
  2. Dispose of excess inventory
  3. Declare a dividend Stock price are taken into consideration during grading.

The strategy for maintaining a high stock price consists only in issuing debt and never in issuing further equity. When we have additional funds, we should begin retiring as many stocks as we can as quickly as possible. Continue to retire stock until the game comes to a close.

If we still have a lot of cash on hand in the last round of the game, we should consider paying dividends to boost the stock price. Raise funds in the following order of importance: (mostly first 4 rounds) – Issuance of long-term debt (maximum amount initially) – Issuance of current debt Excess funds should be used in the following order of priority: (all of the rounds) – Stocks that have reached the end of their useful life (max this first) – Pay dividends to shareholders.


After all of the other section choices have been made, the finance decision should always be the last one that we make. The way in which we make financial judgments is determined by how the game will be scored. The Balanced Scorecard is used to evaluate the majority of organizations. Some organizations are assessed on their profit or stock price, while others are not.


We should be able to retain at least $16.000 (000) in cash for a round in order to avoid taking out emergency loans. We can always have more cash on hand since having more cash is always preferable than having none. We must retain the appropriate quantity of cash on hand in order to achieve the maximum number of days of working capital (not too much, not too little).

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How to Excel in Capsim Global

How to Excel in Capsim Global