Differential diagnosis is the process of determining what disease or ailment a patient might have by comparing patterns, symptoms, and test results. It can be challenging to diagnose a condition because many conditions could produce similar symptoms. However, differential diagnoses exist for many conditions so that doctors can rule out certain diseases. This blog post will look at how a physician is supposed to write a differential diagnosis essay.
What is a Differential Diagnosis Essay?
A differential diagnosis essay is a problem-solving type of writing. The author must identify the possible causes for an illness or disease and rank them according to probability, typically by giving each one a number score. They then present their argument why they believe this was the most likely cause of the condition in question.
What is the Importance of a Differential Diagnosis Essay?
A differential diagnosis essay is often the first step in determining a specific illness or disease. In many cases, physicians will use their knowledge of symptoms and test results to rule out possible causes for an ailment before determining what it might be. This type of writing also helps doctors learn more about potential diseases to be better prepared when treating patients who have similar conditions. A physician should always write such essays because it allows them to improve their professional practice by increasing medical knowledge
How is a Differential Diagnosis Essay Used?
Differential Diagnosis Essays allow physicians to make informed decisions as to how to treat their patients. They also allow doctors to learn more about the diseases they may encounter in their practice and, therefore, be better equipped to diagnose certain illnesses or ailments quickly.
Components of a Differential Diagnosis Essay
Precipitating factor:
What is the person’s condition, and what are some possible causes?
A differential diagnosis essay should start with an introduction that includes a statement of the case. This will include information about the patient, such as their symptoms or problems they have been experiencing. Alongside this information, there should be at least two sentences explaining the different potential diagnoses for why the patient might be feeling unwell or not functioning properly. These various options can then be ranked on how probable it seems to your reader that each one could very well be causing these issues based on the evidence you provide in subsequent paragraphs below.
Predisposing factors:
What might be making the person more likely to experience this condition?
A predisposing factor is something that makes someone more susceptible or predisposed towards developing a disease. The patient’s age, health history, and any other medical conditions they suffer from may all play a role in whether or not they come down with an illness. Suppose you include a section on predisposing factors within your essay. In that case, it should describe what these are for your particular case study and why they could have led to this specific diagnosis being chosen over others.
Perpetuating factors:
What might be making the person’s condition worse or causing it to persist?
For a disease to progress, there must be something perpetuating its progression. For example, if someone has high blood pressure and is overweight, their hypertension will likely not go away without addressing both of these problems simultaneously. The same would need to happen in this case. Suppose you write about a patient with asthma who smokes cigarettes instead of having other causes for increased coughing (such as allergies). In that case, smoking may also play an important role in how well they respond to treatment or continue struggling, after all, seeking medical attention.
Differential Diagnosis Essay Example:
A 65-year-old male comes into your office complaining that he has been experiencing pain in his right arm for the past six months. He is also complaining of some minor body aching that has been going on and off since he first noticed these symptoms three years ago. However, this most recent bout with pain has not improved despite him taking over-the-counter ibuprofen to try and combat it but only managing temporary relief after taking doses at regular intervals.
The patient’s condition:
The 65-year-old male came into your office complaining of having had uncomfortably intense pain in his right arm for the past six months, as well as minor aches throughout his body, which have been going on and off since he first started noticing them back when they began about three years before visiting you today.
The patient’s symptoms:
The man has been having pain in his right arm that has not improved despite him taking over the counter ibuprofen to try and find some relief but only managing temporary effects after regularly taking dosages. He had also had intermittent minor aches throughout his body, which he first started noticing three years ago when they began.
Possible diagnoses for this problem from most likely (top) to least likely (bottom):
Musculoskeletal problems with circulation:
This diagnosis seems like the best fit because there is a lot of evidence pointing towards poor blood flow or reduced oxygenation as what might be causing these issues. For example, he could have something called vasoconstriction where the blood vessels in his arm are tightening and causing this pain. Poor circulation could also lead to the aches he has been experiencing as a result of oxygen deprivation.
Carpal tunnel syndrome:
Carpal tunnel syndrome is another potential diagnosis for what might be going on with our patient’s symptoms. It can cause nerve irritation and numbness, which would explain why he feels that tingling sensation down one side of his body when he first started noticing these issues. It can also make him more susceptible to developing other illnesses, including things like diabetes, high cholesterol, or even heart disease due to how compromised his nerves have become after so much time being exposed to prolonged pressure from the repetitive movements involved in work tasks such as typing at a computer keyboard, using power tools, typing on an organ keyboard for long periods or even heavy manual labor.
Transient ischemic attack:
This diagnosis would only be relevant if our patient has been having episodes of stroke symptoms such as loss in motor control which has led to a temporary paralysis that he can’t seem to shake off no matter what treatments are administered. One way this could be due to insufficient blood flow because the arteries supplying oxygen and glucose go into spasm or clog up with plaque, so they can’t support his needs at all anymore. Another likely possibility is a recent episode involving some injury to one side of his brain. The damage involved caused tissue death, making it impossible for him to use one of his hands.
Degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s:
The final diagnosis that might be relevant for our patient is an irreversible degenerative disease like Parkinson’s, where part or all of the dopaminergic cells in his brain have been destroyed. He has been left with motor control issues, including trouble walking, shaking, breathing normally enough, talking even or adequately standing up without holding onto something stable first.
Differential Diagnosis Essay Conclusion:
After looking at possible diagnoses based on what symptoms our patient had when they walked into your office today, it seemed that either musculoskeletal problems with circulation or carpal tunnel syndrome were most likely. Given how much evidence there was pointing towards poor blood flow or reduced blood flow oxygenation.
Differential Diagnosis Essay Writing Help:
Differential diagnosis essay writing help is a service that can be used if you’re struggling with putting together a strong essay that explores your main points, makes sense and is easy for the reader to understand.
At assignmentsguru.com, we have a team of experienced physicians who can help you write an impeccable differential diagnosis essay. So, if this is the kind of help you could be looking for, do not hesitate to get in touch with us today. We guarantee you nothing but quality work at fair rates.